Even though they are not
physical planets, yet they are perhaps the most influential forces in the
chart. It is along the Rahu / Ketu axis that the main forces of karmic desire
are seen.
In mythology, The Nodes are actually demons,
because they are the eclipse points and they even have the power to devour the
luminaries: The Sun and The Moon.
Nodes relate to the famous lore of how Rahu, inspite being a Asura tried to drink Amrita; during the Samudra Manthan. Lord Vishnu, alarmed by the luminaries, beheaded Rahu, as he was about to swallow the Amrita. The immortal head is known as Rahu and the headless body is Ketu. Felt betrayed by the luminaries, the nodes abhor them, and devour them causing eclipse (grahan).
Nodes relate to the famous lore of how Rahu, inspite being a Asura tried to drink Amrita; during the Samudra Manthan. Lord Vishnu, alarmed by the luminaries, beheaded Rahu, as he was about to swallow the Amrita. The immortal head is known as Rahu and the headless body is Ketu. Felt betrayed by the luminaries, the nodes abhor them, and devour them causing eclipse (grahan).
Rahu and Ketu are given
special status and considered as planets in Indian astrology. They are yet treated as full-fledged planets.
Rahu is known as the dragons head and Ketu the Tail.
Head is forward looking and therefore represents the future,
whereas Ketu The tail represents the past.
Rahu is a head without a
body. Everything he comes into contact with he becomes obsessed with, like a
person with a voracious appetite.
Rahu represents material
desire, but because he is not a physical planet, he operates on the
subconscious level.
The position of Rahu represents the qualities to be developed and
work to be done during the present Janma and the position of Ketu shows the
qualities developed during the past lives and in us indicates attitude that
come naturally to the native.
Both the Chhaya grahas have no substance and and are physically
nonexistent, yet their influence is manifold. and also thier spiritual effects
. Since they have a shadow nature, they influence on the psychological level.
Rahu is snake shaped and head part is of a celestial snake. Lord Shiva has a
snake around him.
The Myth

was once riding on his elephant Airavata when he met sage Durvasa who is known for his anger. The sage offered him the garland of fortune. Not knowing the merit of the garland Indra put it on the elephant’s trunk who in turn threw it on the floor.
Enraged by this, the sage cursed that he and his team of demigods lose
all their power and fortune.
There is another story too! Ved Vyasa has narrated the emergence of the
nodes Rahu and Ketu in his 'Shrimad Baghavataham'. Once Sukracharya, the Guru
of the asuras, the demons did a great penance and was rewrded the 'Sanjeevini
Mantra'. He could by this raise the dead to life. Knowing this, the demons
wanted to defeat the demigods with the help of their guru. Without heeding to
the advice of Sukracharya, they started the battle. Duty bound Sukracharya gave
life to all the dead asuras and finally, the asuras won the battle. The demons
headed by Bali, gained control of the Universe.
The demigods suffered innumerable insults and finally appealed to
Lord Vishnu to help them, who advised them to do 'Sagar Manthan' to get the
'Amrit'. They could regain their lost strength only if they drank Ambrosia, the
nectar of immortality, by churning the Ocean of Milk. Nevertheless, it was a
great task, which could be accomplished
only with the help of the demons. The greedy demons were willing to
churn the ocean along with demigods. Their plan was to cheat the other party
and have the nectar for themselves. However, the divine plan was otherwise!
When the ocean was being churned with the Mandhaara Parvat as the
rod and Vasuki, the snake, as the chord, many invaluable things, gods, and
goddesses appeared. At the end Dhanvantri rose with the pot of nectar.
The demons at once snatched the pot and began to fight among themselves.
Lord Vishnu appeared as an enchanting woman (Mohini Avatar). Overcome by her
charm, the demons agreed to her plan that the nectar be first offered to the
demigods so that the former could have all the rest. The demigods and the
demons were seated on opposite rows and the Elixir of immortality was being
served to the demigods first, by the Mohini.
A wicked idea struck in the mind of one of the demons, Swarbhanu.
He assumed the form of a demigod and stealthily sat in the row of the demigods.
This was noticed by the Sun who told this to Moon. Moon reported to Lord Vishnu
who got so angry that He cut the demon's head. However, as the demon had
already tasted the nectar he did not lose his life.
After fervent appeals by Rahu and Ketu (the Head and the Tail of
the Dragon) they were offered the status of planets with instructions that they
go to the ocean of Cancer, learn all the scriptures before assuming office. The
nodes sincerely carried this out. Therefore, the node Rahu always chases the
luminaries often trying to swallow them in vain, accompanied by his other part
RAHU /The Dragon’s Head :
Rahu is a
head without a body. Rahu is non-luminary. it does not emit any light,
it does not reflect light.
Rahu is
the illusion, the obsession and indulgence leading to self-destruction.
Rahu does
not understand limits, traditions, rules and principles. Its like a black hole
that will swallow everything, but never be content.
represents material desire, but because he is not a physical planet, he
operates on the subconscious level.
Rahu is
the planet for outer fulfillment and Ketu handles inner conquest. Well placed Rahu will bestow all worldly pleasures but never
the inner satisfaction.
Rahu is regarded as the main planetary
factor behind insanity, neurosis, neurological disorders, possession by
negative entities and other such abnormal debilitation of the mind and nervous
Rahu rules electronics, computers and
the Internet. It is also an influence on social networking which uses the
electronic networks. Mining of petroleum.
Rahu governs all sorts of poisonous
chemicals like fertilizers, pesticides, and disinfectants that are in use in
the present times.
Rahu indicates mysterious and difficult to
treat diseases of various types. It shows collective health problems like
epidemics and plagues, and can cause weakness of the immune system
Rahu signifies the taboo - Black Magic,
witchcraft, magicians, occultism, metaphysics, poisons, drug dealers, secret
societies, illicit relationships and other unconventional aspects. Rahu
affiliates with smoke, air, wind and aeronautics - Aircraft, aviation, pilots
and space travel falls under its arena.
'Hidden, Unexpected and Sudden'
resonates with Rahu, whether its gains or losses, both are Rahu's feature.
Grey, Black
Orbit time in One Zodiac Sign
One and half year (18 months)
Orbit time of whole Zodiac
18 Years (Average)
Dirty, Furious and aggressive
Constellations ruled
Adra, Swati, Shatbhisha
Friendly planets
Mercury, Saturn, Venus
Enemy planets
Sun, Moon, Mars
Neutral planets
Mool Trikon
Exalted in
Debilitated in
Special features
Delay and hurdles
Graphite, Lead
Precious Stone
Hassonite (Gomed)
Vimshottari Mahadasha period
18 years
If well placed signifies
Prosperity, wealth, Good position
If adversely placed signifies
Arrogance and jealous nature
Very old people
Diseases given by Rahu
Fever, Leprosy, Snake bite, paranormal activities,
Ketu / The Dragon’s Tail :
Ketu - The
Moksha-karaka planet is the other half of the demon, the headless
body. The shadow planet is non-luminary. It does not emit any
light, it does not reflect light.
Ketu shares
few traits with Rahu - inclination for the dark side, the magic, occult,
poisons and the mystic; Ketu is all about spiritual liberation - through the
dreaded path of pain, continuous failures, torture and frustrations.
It is the
planet known for major transformations, and transcendence into higher reality.
supposedly behaves like Mars, so fire and road accidents falls under its arena.
Ketu represents execution of karmic accumulations
both good and bad, spirituality and supernatural forces and events. Ketu
signifies the spiritual process of the refinement of materialization to spirit
and is considered both malefic and benefic, as it causes sorrow and loss, and
yet at the same time turns the individual to God. In other words, it causes
material loss in order to force a more spiritual outlook in the person. Ketu is
exalted in scorpio(vrischika) rashi and is debilitated in taurus(vrishabha)
rashi. It is benefic in dhanu(sagittarius) rashi and malefic in mithun(gemini)
Ketu is
friendly with Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Rahu. Ketu is neutral to Jupiter. His
enemies are Mars, Sun and Moon. Ketu is a karaka or indicator of intelligence,
wisdom, non-attachment, fantasy, penetrating insight, mental unsoundness, and
psychic abilities. Ketu is the lord of three nakshatras or lunar mansions: Ashvini,
Magha and Mula. The direction associated with is South Lunar Node, the metal is
mica and the colour is smoky, element is earth. The food grain is horse gram.
Where Rahu
obsesses over the things of this world, Ketu seeks to be freed from them.
Rahu is
material and loses the essence of things in their substance. Ketu perceives the
essence of things but is unsatisfied with anything substantive in the world.
Rahu wants to grow and experience new things, Ketu wants to fall back on the
familiar and withdraw; creating a fear of stagnation and disgust with the
familiar that is often turned inward as self-disgust.
brings doubt and sharp criticism to the areas of life that he sees. Eternally
unsatisfied, he only notices what is missing from whatever he is influencing.
presides over the absolute aspect of God. He is strict and exacting and sucks
the worldly joy out of all he touches, including the things Rahu is obsessed
over through house and sign. It is the push and pull of Rahu`s
obsession and Ketu`s doubt that allows the soul to learn the lessons
of the Nodal house and sign placement.
Ketu creates doubt, disturbance, and
willfulness’, a critical and narrow vision in life that leads to conflict and
signifies psychic powers, clairvoyance, intuitions, intrigues and desire for
knowledge. Unlike Rahu, Ketu deters worldly powers, as it is a deep thinker
with keen interest to unearth the esoteric, or beyond the obvious. Ketu is affiliated with Ayurveda, herbs and healing abilities. Ketu signifies undiagnosed diseases and is responsible for several severe ailments that leave a permanent mark - leprosy, cancer, paralysis and joint problems.
Ketu is known for the 'Sting' in its tail - By end of its Dasha, it creates a situation that leaves prominent mark on natives’ life.
Ketu is affiliated with Owls, scorpions, rodents and serpents theVenamous.
Contrary to Rahu, Ketu is comfortable
in Scorpio, the sign of Mars; he is most uncomfortable in the sign of glamorous
Venus - Taurus.
Orbit time in One Zodiac Sign
One and half year
Orbit time of whole Zodiac
18 Years (Average)
Constellations ruled
Ashwini, Magha, Mool
Friendly planets
Enemy planets
Sun & Moon
Neutral planets
Exalted in
Debilitated in
Special features
Mix, Mica
Precious Stone
Cat`s eye (Lahsunia)
Vimshottari Mahadasha period
7 years
If well placed signifies
Spiritual attainment
If adversely placed signifies
Arrogance and jealous nature
Old people
Diseases given by Rahu
Tension & Restlessness
Many ancient astrologers believe Rahu and Ketu do not own
any signs, but some say Rahu owns lordship of Aquarius and Ketu is the lord of
Scorpio, according to Parashar, Rahu is exalted in Taurus and Ketu in Scorpio.
Cancer is Mooltrikona and Virgo is own sign of Rahu but
for Ketu Gemini is Mooltrikona and Sagitattarius and Pisces are his own signs.
Rahu and Ketu own nakshatras, and hence are assigned
appropriate dasha periods in the Vimshottari dasha system. Rahu owns Ardra,
Swati and Shatabisha and has 18 years of Vimshottari dasha.
Ketu owns Ashvini, Magha and Moola nakshatras and has 7
years out of 120 years of Vinshottari dasha period. In this way if Tauras is
the sign of exaltation for Rahu, the 7th from there Scorpio is his sign of debilitation.
The lunar nodes change sign in about 18 months and during
span of 18 years they complete one Paraya or one cycle of revolution of the
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